SWF Growth rates


Ok I'm new here but I've been trying to get my SWF to grow! They eat 3-4 times a day and get a healthy mixed diet proteins & greens. So far they dont seem to be growing, just getting thicker! I'm used to freshwater fish growth rates, but how long to get these guys maxed out?
Foxface 4"
Mimic Tang 3"
Tominani Tang 3.5"
Harlikin Tusk 4"
Brown Butterfly 2.5"
Star Blenny 2"
Maroon Clown 2"
Flame Hawk 1.5"
Which ones will grow the fastest? I love these fish, just want to see them get bigger.. not just fat :)
I've seen little length growth over 5-6 months, just seem to get chubby.
Spectra A+
Flake Food
Brine Shrimp
Frozen Krill
Mytis Shrimp
Raw Market Prawns


Active Member
SWF grow extremley slow compared to FW fish, with a few exceptions like Lionfish.
But that's good because slower growth rate typically means longer lifespan.
For most swf that I have studied your looking at 1-2" per year max. I'd say stay with fat and happy and you can't go wrong. Nice Dat in your Avi BTW. I have a 14-15" ST Pulcher myself in my FW tank.