SWF is offering Bullseye Mushroom: Color

Saltwaterfish Forums

Staff member

The Bullseye Mushroom Coral, Rhodactis sp., looks awesome in any reef tank. Its brightness and vibrancy of colors is absolutely stunning. The Bullseye Mushroom Coral is very easy to care for and maintain, and since it grows and propagates quite easily in an aquarium, this coral makes a very good choice for novice aquarists. The Bullseye Mushroom Coral is semi aggressive in nature as compared to other marine aquarium invertebrates. It is recommended to keep the Bullseye Mushroom Coral away from other corals just to avoid the aggressive behavior in the aquarium. It needs low water flow and low illumination for its growth and development. Often, you will find them closed when you introduce it into the tank. Once the Bullseye Mushroom Coral gets acclimated to the environment, it will open up. Photosynthesis provides nutrition to the Bullseye Mushroom Coral - additional feeding is not that necessary. But it has to be taken care that the currents should be able to supply it with necessary nutrients and trace elements for its continued growth. The Bullseye Mushroom Coral propagates easily in captivity, simply by splitting. It thrives well in a temperature range of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 8.1-8.4.