SWF is offering Christmas Wrasse; Indo Pacific

Saltwaterfish Forums

Staff member

With its red stripes and checkerboard-like markings, the Ornate Wrasse makes a beautiful fish in any aquarium. The Ornate Wrasse is commonly referred to as the Christmas Wrasse. The Ornate Wrasse is considered as one of the most active wrasse group fish. The Ornate Wrasse mostly buries itself in the substrate or rockwork when young, thus keeping a good amount of sand substrate is necessary. The Ornate Wrasse is one of the most aggressive wrasses, so it should not be housed with any peaceful fishes. The Ornate Wrasse grows aggressive as it matures and ages. The Ornate Wrasse should not be kept with invertebrates and other crustaceans. The Ornate Wrasse is also found nipping over the polyps and fleshier corals, so it should not be kept in a reef tank. Make sure you don?t keep feather duster worms, crabs and shrimps in the same tank where it inhabits. The Ornate Wrasse should be given a diet of meaty foods such as frozen and prepared foods. The aquarium should contain plenty of rocks and caves, where it can take graze or take rest when required.
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