

Active Member
i REALLY don't like looking at all the list of users on this page, clicking on their profiles, and seeing that a lot of join dates are within the past few days, all have no posts, profiles, etc, yet are voting on these pics. I'm assuming SWF.com is controlling who can make accounts by email, but it's really sad if people are making up accounts just to pad the votes...


Active Member
this is serious bs... how is fedel castro getting 3 votes per poll when there's no photos in his links??


its an issue with photobucket not showing it for somereason thats why we keep saying to use SWF.com's attach files button instead of phtobucket!!!
I am absolutely sure that when swfishy posted the poles they were showing or they would not have been added to the poll!!!
as far as the zero post counters not sure but I will bring this to admins attention.


Active Member
Oh come on, did you ACTUALLY think this contest was going to be flawless. I was not going to point out the obvious potential flaws that have and are still appearing. So far we have had someone pawning off pics as if they were their own. Now we have a possible tampering of voting due to people opening new accounts and voting for their own. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Now those who winning or already won are under the suspicion from others on to whether they won fair and square. There really is no way around it. People are people and there is a bit of thievery in everyone. Contests these days are rarely fair and square.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
its an issue with photobucket not showing it for somereason thats why we keep saying to use SWF.com's attach files button instead of phtobucket!!!
I am absolutely sure that when swfishy posted the poles they were showing or they would not have been added to the poll!!!
as far as the zero post counters not sure but I will bring this to admins attention.
yes, it may be an issue with photobucket, but there are no photos for anyone to vote on, so how is he getting votes?


unfortunately I have to agree with Jon on this one. Nothing is ever fair these days. The way I see it.... If someone who won a contest won with a horrible photo then chances are something was done to help get those votes. If they won and it was a great pic then thats awesome.


Active Member
guess i need to go make up some voting bots... :p i thought for sure my kole was going to win LOL


thats just it the poll would not have contained the photo to be voted on if it wasnt their to start with. so when the poll was made the pictures were visible I dont know when they went down though.
as far as people voting they may be voting off what they seen earlier not for sure though because I am not the one that voted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
you know what I am refering to


that's why i deleted it


Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
thats just it the poll would not have contained the photo to be voted on if it wasnt their to start with. so when the poll was made the pictures were visible I dont know when they went down though.
as far as people voting they may be voting off what they seen earlier not for sure though because I am not the one that voted.

all s/he is doing is a search then copy/pasting the links. i doubt s/he is going in every post...


they are actually looking at the pictured because some of them havent been posted because of them not being the smae species as what is offered here. The clam posts are one that come to mind rather recently.


Active Member

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I know thats why I didnt say what it said LOL

imagine the outrage if something happened after i posted that and i really didn't do it?
now... shamelessly asking friends from the board
to look at the polls and asking them to vote for me if they like the pic is ok i'm assuming :)


that would explain why some polls have close to 100 votes, where as others barely touch 30

too bad they dont do these votes w/ IPs vs. usernames.


yep it does. a few have already been called on it to. its a tideious thing to do and takes time though but is being watched.


yeah im not 100% sure how IP address's work but I hear a lot out here that when your on AOL or when your on a cable network that your IP is the same or very close to the same as anyone in your area with the same company. I belong to a lot of motorcycle web forums and I have had a few of them ask me if I know a certain user because their IP is close to the same as mine?? Im not a real big "Tech" junkie so im not real keen on the whole computer thing and how it all works.