swilbs83--clicked "new thread" instead of "post reply"


Active Member
Sorry for clicking wrong box but didn't want to re-type response.....I'm going to bed....
Response....Could be tricky especially as the EA grows into adult. He will want to be king of the tank.
You could probably get away with it if you feed small quantities several times a day and in different sections of the tank at the same time. SPreading out the food will give the school and other fish a chance to avoid the agressive eating tendencies of the adult EA. I would be also concerned w/ the firefish. Qutie passive and I would personally skip these guys.
ALso would not add butterfly or angel until tank is well established and problem free at least 4 months.
Suggestion...add percs first ...wait 2-3 weeks...add school of green chromis.....wait 4-5 weeks and add anthias.....wait another 3 months and add threadfin....wait 3 weeks and add Ea. Good luck.