Swimming And Stuck In One Position !!!! Ughhhh, Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello All,
I got 4 Amphiprion ocellaris, (False Percula), dripped them to acclimate. All is well as far as that goes, 3 days in the tank.
For some reason, they are all in one spot, in a school, on the bottom of my tank, near the sand just swimming and not roaming around. I know it might take a while for them to migrate to the anemones but why are they so stuck in one place ?? I feel bad for them because they don't even go anywhere to sleep. They just keep swimming in the opposite direction of the current.
Please help. I am afraid that their little fish muscles are going to get too tired


matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by convbmw
Hello All,
I got 4 Amphiprion ocellaris, (False Percula), dripped them to acclimate. All is well as far as that goes, 3 days in the tank.
For some reason, they are all in one spot, in a school, on the bottom of my tank, near the sand just swimming and not roaming around. I know it might take a while for them to migrate to the anemones but why are they so stuck in one place ?? I feel bad for them because they don't even go anywhere to sleep. They just keep swimming in the opposite direction of the current.
Please help. I am afraid that their little fish muscles are going to get too tired

theres 2 things wrong already. You can only have 2 clowns per tank unless its a HUGE tank cause they will pair up and 2 will end up dead. and you should only have 1 anem per tank. whats your water reading? Like ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, ph, SG? what size tank and how long has it been setup? and what other fish do you have in the tank


MaTT B thank you so much. I feel like your and others are so kind to look out for me. I forgot how awesome forums like this are.
Here are the specs
75 Gal tank
set up for over a year
200 lbs of live rock
pushing about 500 Gal per HR, ( soon to increase, getting new return pump, yay)
High PH= 8.0-8.2
Ammonia= .125
NO2= 0
I am including a pic of the new anemones, they seem to be adapting REALLY well. As for the clowns, i was not aware that 2 were my limit. I was told 4 were ok but all of you are the experts. Nothing like getting information form the ones that are reading and writing like you all.
If anyone else has any feedback, PLEASE feel free to chime in.
Thanks a million


Originally Posted by MaTT B
theres 2 things wrong already. You can only have 2 clowns per tank unless its a HUGE tank cause they will pair up and 2 will end up dead. and you should only have 1 anem per tank. whats your water reading? Like ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, ph, SG? what size tank and how long has it been setup? and what other fish do you have in the tank
Not trying to hijack the thread, but why only 1 anem? I've never heard this.


Active Member
CONVBMW - your issue right now is Ammonia. Anything above 0 is BAD. How long has this tank been running for? Did you let it cycle for 4 weeks prior to putting anything in it? What additions have you made in the last week or 2 besides the fish? Did you add any uncured live rock?
If I were you, I would go to ***** or Petsmart and buy some AmQuel+ and put it in your tank ASAP to detoxify the Ammonia and possible Nitrites.
As for the 4 clowns, yes this will be an issue later on. Your Anemones will be suffering too.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
CONVBMW - your issue right now is Ammonia. Anything above 0 is BAD. How long has this tank been running for? Did you let it cycle for 4 weeks prior to putting anything in it? What additions have you made in the last week or 2 besides the fish? Did you add any uncured live rock?
If I were you, I would go to ***** or Petsmart and buy some AmQuel+ and put it in your tank ASAP to detoxify the Ammonia and possible Nitrites.
As for the 4 clowns, yes this will be an issue later on. Your Anemones will be suffering too.
He said it has been setup for a yr. And IMO the only way I would try and get rid the ammonia and ntrates are water changes.


Active Member
You should only have two clowns because they are very territorial. What happens is two will pair up, one staying male and the other becoming female then they will be extremely territorial, and kill / attack anything that looks like a threat (usually similar looking fish like clowns and damsels). You can get away with it is larger aquariums because there is more room for them to setup their territory. Fish stores can get away with it because their fish are in there for a short period of time. So no dominance is established. In the home aquarium that isn't the case.
I don't know if that is a LTA on the left, but your Sabae on the right is dyed.


Hmm... I know several people who have whole tanks dedicated to anemones, so that whole "only one anemone per tank" thing is ludicrous.
As far as the clownfish go, I don't know why they're only swimming in one spot, but the ammonia may or may not have something to do with it. You definitely need 1.) Figure out the source of ammonia and 2.) do something to get rid of the ammonia
Your ammonia spike may be because you added four new fish at once- that's a pretty decent hit on your bioload capacity. What kind of filtration are you running? (Skimmer, sump, etc.) How may other fish are in there?
I'd definitely do a water change and then run maybe a bag of Purigen or Matrix instead of the Amquel, but Amquel will do okay if you can't find either of the two...


Active Member
I am surprised that nobody has mentioned this yet...but what type of lighting do you have? I have lost 2 in my 55 with 260W of Power Compact...won't get another until my lights are upgraded!


Active Member
IF you have different types of anemones in your tank they will eventually wage chemical warfare on each other and one of them will die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kanicky
Hmm... I know several people who have whole tanks dedicated to anemones, so that whole "only one anemone per tank" thing is ludicrous.
As far as the clownfish go, I don't know why they're only swimming in one spot, but the ammonia may or may not have something to do with it. You definitely need 1.) Figure out the source of ammonia and 2.) do something to get rid of the ammonia
Your ammonia spike may be because you added four new fish at once- that's a pretty decent hit on your bioload capacity. What kind of filtration are you running? (Skimmer, sump, etc.) How may other fish are in there?
I'd definitely do a water change and then run maybe a bag of Purigen or Matrix instead of the Amquel, but Amquel will do okay if you can't find either of the two...
they probly just have one type of anenome and that is fine but there should not be different types in one tank.


Originally Posted by jessica47421
they probly just have one type of anenome and that is fine but there should not be different types in one tank.
ohhhhhh, so if you have two of the same anemones in one tank they will be ok as long as they are on opposite sides of the tank? That is good to know. When I get my water straightened out, I was going to get a maroon anem. I already have 2 Florida Condis. I guess I won't get another one. This is why I read other people's questions. I learn something new everyday!


My perc clownfish hung out in the same space for months. Now they swim everywhere. Are you sure you have an ammonia reading? I would think your tank would be cycled after 1 year. What test kit are you using?


Active Member
I would take two clowns back to the store. The LFS will tell you ANYTHING to make a sell and get profit. Trade them in for credit. You ammonia is high because of adding 4 fish at once I would think. If not have you added any new LR or anything else to the tank? I also agree with only have one species of nem in any tank. Better to only have one per tank in the long run. If you get corals all over your tank and then the two nems decide to go on vacation and move all over the tank it could devistate your inhabitants. Again like above good question about what your lighting is. Good luck to you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
ohhhhhh, so if you have two of the same anemones in one tank they will be ok as long as they are on opposite sides of the tank? That is good to know. When I get my water straightened out, I was going to get a maroon anem. I already have 2 Florida Condis. I guess I won't get another one. This is why I read other people's questions. I learn something new everyday!

I think you have a sabae and the other i'm not sure - i don't think they are both condis.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I think you have a sabae and the other i'm not sure - i don't think they are both condis.

The poster you are refering too and the picture on this thread are not of the same tank. The OP is the one that listed the picture, someone else said they have 2 condi's. Just thought I would point this out.