Switch from CC to LS


Hi everyone,
I've been reading on the boards trying to figure out how to do this without causing stress to my tank which is at the very end of it's cycling.
I have a 55g with 2 damsels 2 percula clowns and two hermit crabs. I just read that most people prefer ls over cc because of the nitrates so I want to switch. I read this great article about it:
But my question is: Do I need to do anything with the ls before adding it?? like curing process or anything?
What is the difference in sand, the only sand I've looked at so far is the one on SWF and it's Premium Live Keys Sand. Is there some other sand that is better/more preferable/cheaper? What sand should i get basically and do I need to treat it before doing as suggested in the article.
Thanks a lot to all those answering questions for all us that are new in the hobby.


I've done some more reasearch and I believe once I have added my new LS in my tank it would NOT start a new cycle and that was actually my essiential question.
So all I have to do is follow the instructions and I should be good.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.


umm, I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. There are bacteria in the LS but if it's sitting it could have some die off. This could start a new cycle. I would be curious if it does, please let me know.


Sorry, I'm not shure of this either.
I'd also love to hear how it goes because I also have cc and want to switch, but I am terrified to do so! :scared: I am planning a larger setup, so I might just wait and make the new bed ls.


There mus be someone that knows on this forum. All I want to know is if swithcing will casue the new ls into a cycle. I know people here have switched from cc to ls.


Originally Posted by engineer
I believe it should be ok, you may have a mini cycle from taking all the CC out, but it should be OK.
I agree, especially if you buy the LS locally there shouldn't be much die off.


New Member
I have 3 tanks one 75 gal, 40 gal, 20 gal, about 2 month's ago I switch them all to LS and did not have any sign of recylcing. Everything test fine and livestock and doing good. I really like the LS over the CC. Good Luck