Switched from IO to Reef Crystals ( I have?)


About 5 weeks ago I started using Reef Crystals instal of IO salt mix. Everything looks great. I Never seem to add as much Calcium supplement as I used to, but I am adding two to three times as muck Alk buffer as I used to.
Has anyone else had a simular experience?


Active Member
What is your alkalinity? Provided that your alkalinity is within an accepted range for reef tanks, adding buffer may be pointless. All tanks have their own environment where the alkalinity tends to stay within a certain range. Trying to modify it drastically just to achieve the "perfect" alkalinity isn't necessary.


I normally run Ca at 440 - 460 and Alk at 180 - 190 ppm CaCO3. Since I switched Ca has been pretty easy to keep up (dropping to around 420 every 6 - 7 days) whereas Alk will be up to 180 - 190 then drop to 140. With instant ocean I would see drops of 30 - 4- point in calcium and 30 - 40 points in Alk. With Reef crystals I get the same Ca drop but 40 to 50 point drop in Alk. I supplement with Kent's Superbuffer dKH (1 Tablespoon raises 10 points in my system.) At anyrate the 1.5 months I have been using Reef Crystals everything just looks better and more polyp extension as well as noticable growth.