Switching from Canister Filter to Sump/Refugium


I've decided to spend my weekend converting my tank from a canister filter to a sump/refugium. I'm in the process of converting a 15 gallon tank into a refugium and have ordered some supplies for my fuge. I have an existing HOB fuge that I'll be using materials from as well. What I wanted to find out is a better idea of the change over process. Here is what I think I need to do:
1.) Replace my existing HOB refugium with my overflow (tank isn't drilled)
2.) Set up the overflow and attach a hose down but don't pull any water through
3.) Remove existing canister filter including in and out lines
4.) Put sump/fuge under tank
5.) Install pump into fuge
6.) Connect in and out water lines to fuge.
7.) Fill fuge halfway with water
8.) Start siphon on input hose from overflow
9.) Turn on output pump
10.) Check water level in tank
11.) Check water level in fuge
12.) Let fuge run for 1/2 hour
Is there anything which I have missed?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
If possible I would continue to run the cannister filter for a while while the tank adjusts to the new system. so anotherwords run both cannister and sump for a while. this might prevent a recycle.