Switching from CC to Sand


I'm considering switching from my CC to sand. Not necessarily DSB, I pretty much have the fish I'm going to have (bio-load speaking) and have 0 nitrates. So i'm not necessarily looking for those benefits, really just like the look of a finer material. Has anyone had experience doing this? Do I have to take out ALL of the CC, or can I just take out some, put it towards the back under where the live rock will be and fill in the front with live sand? Should I take out the fish and put them in my q-tank temporarily while doing this due to the cloudiness? What about any cycling that could happen? I've done some searches, but seems most people discuss DSBs... I really don't think I need it, and I don't really know if i'm interested in dealing with toxic air pockets! :)
Thanks to all in advance!


New Member
When I switched to DSB, I took out everything. I had a quarantine tank (with some of the main tank water) that I put some rock into and then the fishes. The rest of the rocks I put in a bucket with a heater and water from the main tank. After that, I took out all the CC and added the sand. It was a cloudy mess, but if I could do it over again, I would add the sand through a funnel and a PVC tube. I heard that it works really well. After a couple of days, I added everything back in (slowly). No cycle occurred... maybe I was lucky.
Good luck