Switching over tanks

kevin mcrae

Hi, I picked up a new Fish Hotel Series 18 gallon Bowfront tank today.
I want to switch my 10 gallon nano over but I had some questions.
Can I simply switch the water over and move my live rock, corals, fish etc? Or should I make a complete cycle of my new tank then move everything over?
Originally Posted by Kevin McRae
Hi, I picked up a new Fish Hotel Series 18 gallon Bowfront tank today.
I want to switch my 10 gallon nano over but I had some questions.
Can I simply switch the water over and move my live rock, corals, fish etc? Or should I make a complete cycle of my new tank then move everything over?
You can just switch over. Ive done it a few times. Just make sure you have your test kit ready and keep a close on on your levels. Also I know this sounds crazy but try not to stir everything up to bad lol. You will have a little spike but it should not be bad as long as your very careful.

kevin mcrae

Awesome, sounds great.
I filled it with sand and water today. I'm going away for the weekend so I guess I'll switch it when I come home. I'm not working all next week so lots of time to watch it. ;)

kevin mcrae

Okay, so instead I've decided to have two tanks. Great idea isn't it?
Is there any way i can speed up the cycling process? Add live rock from my existing tank, water, sand?
Yes you can help the cycle along by seeding the tank IE rock and sand from previous tank. Also do frewuent water changes. Test all the time till at zero.