Switching to SPS ... sump/fuge design help


OK so I am sick of softies and am about to go sps. I am working on the design for approx. 30 gallon sump/fuge. I actually dont know much about sps but have been doing alot of reading on the equipment needed. As of now I have a moderate bio-load and haven't seen nitrates or phosphates in forever and this design I have come up with has much more equipment.
Current equipment:
10 gallon sump
12 gallon refugium
hot magnum 250 canister
seaclone 100 protein skimmer
DSB & LR in fuge
Future equipment:
30 gal sump/fuge
DIY turf scrubber
DIY Calcium Reactor
9w UV sterilizer
Fluval 205 canister filter w/ chemi-pure
Either eshopps skimmer or DIY skimmer
Co2 system
I plan to have a heavily stocked tank and want to still be able to keep sps. My tank is a 90 gallon with about 175 lbs of LR. Suggestions? Here is a pic of what I had in mind.