Swollen eye


I just noticed that on one of my two saddle back clowns has a swollen eye. It looks like something is pushing it out of his body. I have had the fish for two weeks and only have a clean up crew and a feather duster in the 60gal tank (70lbs LR). Does anyone know what is causing the swelling and how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Can you post your water parameters for us? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, and temperature)


Just tested
Temp 80
SG 1.026
Amon 0
trites 0
trates .5
PH 8.3
Tested on Mon 7/17
Ca 500
P04 .1
Alk 1.7
I was going to do a 10 gal water change tonight anyway should I still do this?


Since I was due to do a change today anyway, I just completed a 20% water change I guess I will just wait and see. If anyone has suggestions please let me know what I should do. I would hate to suufer my first loss?!?!?!?!?!?!


Active Member
You could put him in a QT tank. Swollen eyes could be either popeye{which almost always effects both eyes..and it will also look cloudy} a mechanical injury{he/she bumped it or scratched it, causing a bacterial infection} Fish with bulbous eyes get this problem occasionally. My tiger jawfish has done this twice, and recovered fine both times. Lastly, it could be from harrasment by another tankmate, or even the other clown. There is a two part eye medication, but the fish would definately have to be QT'd.


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
it sounds like pop eye. do u run the bubbles out of your powerheads?

What does that mean?
Also my other clown has been harrassing a bit? And a don't hav a QT tank will be gettingon though>>


Active Member
its a sickness lookss like eye is popping out. what about the powerheads. is rumored that if u run the bubble feature it makes popeye. there are treatments fro it but not sure because never had to deal with it


No I don't run the bubble feture, I hope he makes it. He seems to be ok otherwies, he ate well today but he was breathing a bit heavy but that was after the water change so that may have freaked him out a bit?????


Originally Posted by dfm34
What does that mean?
Also my other clown has been harrassing a bit? And a don't hav a QT tank will be gettingon though>>
Stress can be a cause of Pop Eye too...once my Tomato clown(rip) developed pop eye it only took 2 days for it to pop off totally...he became my Pirate Clown...I wish you luck


Active Member
Here is a treatment i found on line for pop eye. it may help, couldnt hurt.
If you have access to Diamox, it does a bang up job on pop-eye. Antibiotics alone take a bit longer. The antibiotics I would recommend are neomycin at 250mg per gallon and triple sulpha per package instructions. Treat for 10 days. You can dose with Diamox and antibiotics concurrently. We've seen no adverse reactions. You'll only need the Diamox for 3-4 days and you'll see improvement almost overnight. One tablet of Diamox per 10g.
These arenot my words, but taken from another forum that has a great section on treating disease


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Here is a treatment i found on line for pop eye. it may help, couldnt hurt.
If you have access to Diamox, it does a bang up job on pop-eye. Antibiotics alone take a bit longer. The antibiotics I would recommend are neomycin at 250mg per gallon and triple sulpha per package instructions. Treat for 10 days. You can dose with Diamox and antibiotics concurrently. We've seen no adverse reactions. You'll only need the Diamox for 3-4 days and you'll see improvement almost overnight. One tablet of Diamox per 10g.
These arenot my words, but taken from another forum that has a great section on treating disease
Can this been done inmy display tank W/ Inverts? Also Since I beleive this is caused by stress can I add another fish so the one clown stops picking on the other or will this just cause even more stress.