t-5 and anemones


I am getting 3 x 80 (60") tek t-5 lighting to go along with my p.c. 4 x 65 unit.
They will go over my 110g (72 x 19 x 19).
What anemones can I keep?


If i were you i would post in the DIY forum for get the attention of fanker. He knows a lot about t5's. You can also do a search on the DIY forum.


Active Member
I had a bta anenome under 8, 54 watt T5's and he did great! Yours should be fine with the T's and pc combo.


New Member
I know that anemones in general require 4-5 watts per gallon. You're going to neeed a lot of T-5s to produce that but it's posible. I'm actually trying to do the same thing you are with a 20 gallon tank. I just half to pick up my Energy Savers Unl. Aqualight double linear strip light .


he(flanker) will tell you its easyily done, he has sps under t-5's and wpg doesn't matter that much its judged by PAR now.