hey guys i have been talking to the locals about lighting. as my other post on here i am probably buying a tank with metal halide/VHO retrofit in the canopy and probably do not want it because i am having only a FOWLR setup. however, i have talked with and saw a local guys tank with the nova extreme t-5 setup on it and the actinics sucked. their was no color in anything, i preferred my PC actinics WAY over them " and im not a fan of mine now ither " so i know their are alot of bulbs available for the t-5's. i want GREAT color out of my fish as i am going to be doing large angels and a few other things . are their any bulbs i could go with to bring out great colors like the MH's do? or should i just keep them "with vho actinics"because its got them. electricity is one concern "to my wife anyways" but i dont want anything that is crappy looking. any suggestions?