T-5's, actinics?


hey guys i have been talking to the locals about lighting. as my other post on here i am probably buying a tank with metal halide/VHO retrofit in the canopy and probably do not want it because i am having only a FOWLR setup. however, i have talked with and saw a local guys tank with the nova extreme t-5 setup on it and the actinics sucked. their was no color in anything, i preferred my PC actinics WAY over them " and im not a fan of mine now ither " so i know their are alot of bulbs available for the t-5's. i want GREAT color out of my fish as i am going to be doing large angels and a few other things . are their any bulbs i could go with to bring out great colors like the MH's do? or should i just keep them "with vho actinics"because its got them. electricity is one concern "to my wife anyways" but i dont want anything that is crappy looking. any suggestions?


Active Member
t5 is fine. it all depends on what bulbs u put on it. t5 has bulbs that r very blue. u just gotta mix and match.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drex
hey guys i have been talking to the locals about lighting. as my other post on here i am probably buying a tank with metal halide/VHO retrofit in the canopy and probably do not want it because i am having only a FOWLR setup. however, i have talked with and saw a local guys tank with the nova extreme t-5 setup on it and the actinics sucked. their was no color in anything, i preferred my PC actinics WAY over them " and im not a fan of mine now ither " so i know their are alot of bulbs available for the t-5's. i want GREAT color out of my fish as i am going to be doing large angels and a few other things . are their any bulbs i could go with to bring out great colors like the MH's do? or should i just keep them "with vho actinics"because its got them. electricity is one concern "to my wife anyways" but i dont want anything that is crappy looking. any suggestions?

The bulbs might have needed changed or he may have all whites. They have the blue and purple yellow etc you can mix them. I am going tiwh two purple two blue and two white in mine. The nova pro extreme.


the fixture was only a month old, and the bulbs were what came with two white and two blue. looked horrible in my opinion, thats why im curious what else i can do to bring color out. any pics for examples?


Active Member
Keep 1 10K lamp, Get either a Giesemann or ATI Aquablue Lamp. If you want to have a more blue look get a ATI Blue Plus or Giesemann Actinic Plus instead. Make sure one of the blues is at the front.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drex
the fixture was only a month old, and the bulbs were what came with two white and two blue. looked horrible in my opinion, thats why im curious what else i can do to bring color out. any pics for examples?
He needs to have indavidual reflectors or they all blend and look bad. With the reflectors its like 400 % more intense. If it is a 8 bulb go two blue two purple two white.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
He needs to have indavidual reflectors or they all blend and look bad. With the reflectors its like 400 % more intense. If it is a 8 bulb go two blue two purple two white.


Active Member
Reportedly, 300%, not 400%.
The bulbs that come with the novas, arent very good at best. I recomend them to be changed as soon as possible with eitheer, Geisseman, ATI, or UVL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Reportedly, 300%, not 400%.
The bulbs that come with the novas, arent very good at best. I recomend them to be changed as soon as possible with eitheer, Geisseman, ATI, or UVL.

On the current website it said 300 upto 400% so excuse me for using the higher number.
Anyway, what is wrong with the bulbs ? I saw the one I am having prdered in thhe 38" and it was setting next to the tek lighting system and honestly for what I want I think the bulbs are better. He had ATI bulbs in the tek.
I think it gets down to perrsonal preference on what you want. I love thhe design on the current systems and the tek is ok the sunblaze needs you to build a canopy its so ugly but it is the same thing as tek just not as fancy of case ( they are made in the same place ) I like the slicker euro design as oppposed to a flat light unless I was gonna spend 3k on some super lights the current light system is awsome for the money.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
On the current website it said 300 upto 400% so excuse me for using the higher number.
Anyway, what is wrong with the bulbs ? I saw the one I am having prdered in thhe 38" and it was setting next to the tek lighting system and honestly for what I want I think the bulbs are better. He had ATI bulbs in the tek.
I think it gets down to perrsonal preference on what you want. I love thhe design on the current systems and the tek is ok the sunblaze needs you to build a canopy its so ugly but it is the same thing as tek just not as fancy of case ( they are made in the same place ) I like the slicker euro design as oppposed to a flat light unless I was gonna spend 3k on some super lights the current light system is awsome for the money.
Even a good reflector wont do 400%, I've par tested most of the lamps and reflectors out there and the best (Ice Cap) is only about 100% over a flat reflect, not that that is bad. The Nova Pro reflectors are better than a flat one but thats about all you can say for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
He needs to have indavidual reflectors or they all blend and look bad. With the reflectors its like 400 % more intense. If it is a 8 bulb go two blue two purple two white.
Having them all blend will make the light look better. On retros using individual reflectors spaced too far apart will actually show color banding on the rocks if you have a sun lamp and a blue lamp next to it.