i just got a 48 " aga t-8 triple tube light what kind of tank can i use this on i dont really know anything about lites someone told meit could be used on a reef tank is that true
if you stuck it on a 40long you would have 3w/gallon, enough for some shrooms and i think a few corals that don't require high lighting, ask around, i'm pretty sure you could find something that could survive under that amount of light (colt??)
i think if you ran 2actinic and a marine white you could, or one actinic and 2 50/50... i have some shrooms in a 75 w/ 4 48" t-8s and they seem well except they reproduce really slowly... i would repost under reef tanks and just ask if that is enough light for shrooms, also find out which ones you will get more responses there