


Originally Posted by T316
Do you have a chiller by chance? They can spring a leak and send an oily residue back into the tank.
I have a question about this comment.
What kind of oily residue?? Does it feel oily. or greasy or not??
I have something in my skimmer and I cannot figure out what it is. It LOOKS oily, but doesn't feel oily at all.
No smell, I thought iwas some carbon or something.
You have any clues??


LOL, Well of course I am. That's why I ask.
I wiped this... black, thickish stuff outa my skimmer and have had n idea what it was. There is none in my tank, nor floating in my water, no specks on my LR, just in the skimmer.


Active Member
Your situation could be one of several things, but in regards to chillers, I did a lot of research on them before purchasing mine recently. And in this research, I found several threads related to chillers leaking oil (or oily residue) back into the tank water. If you have a really good skimmer, then your skimmer would keep most of it contained in that area, until an all-out burst occurs (this is just hypothetically assuming it's the chiller).
Check out the thread below of a recent case. This one started with a warning a couple of days before the burst. Started out with just a little residue, but it eventually led to the chiller being the culpret.
In your case, if it's not the chiller, like I said...it could be a number of things. The fact that is does not smell like gas/oil doesn't mean that it's not, but most likely you have something different. I have even heard of an "oily residue" accumulating from the hands of the owner. For example, if you use a lot of lotion on your hands, and don't use gloves in the tank, this can come off and naturally, being oily, will end up pooling at the surface either in your skimmer, or dt.


hmmph... I'll hafta watch it.
Unlike that thread my "goop" is exclusively in the skimmer. I have THE skimmer on steroids. I have a Euroreef rated for 400 gallons and I only have 2 little fish (clowns).
Lemme see what it's doing now, (I just cleaned it last night) and if there is anything significant, you or another maybe can tell me what you think.


Originally Posted by T316
Have you had any fish, inverts, or anenome's disappear lately?

Nope. Tanks only a couple months old... 160 pbs of cured LR. I let it "cycle" for about a month (cause it wasn't really a cycle, since I simply moved the tank from miami to my house), but I bought back the clowns that I had given to the LFS, and rock, 2 clowns and one frag are all that's in the tank. But it is hooked up to a 1 hp chiller that returns into the tank. The water goes from tank to LR section in sump, THEN the skimmer.
I tried to get a pic but since I cleaned the skimmer last night, there isn't anything built up yet...


Active Member
I would send SCSInet a PM and tell him to jump in here on this thread. Most all of the "chiller leak" threads that I had been following, he was usually involved in, and very knowledgable. He's probably already following this thread, but a pm might nudge him into giving us his thoughts here.


Originally Posted by T316
I would send SCSInet a PM and tell him to jump in here on this thread. Most all of the "chiller leak" threads that I had been following, he was usually involved in, and very knowledgable. He's probably already following this thread, but a pm might nudge him into giving us his thoughts here.
You know what... I will PM him, but I'm gonna wait til I can get a pic.