t5 fixtures....


does anybody know where to find basic t5 HO fixtures? (preferably not online, yet I know that's probably all there is) all I can seem to find is t12 and t8 I have a 2bulb 64watt t8 fixture but not the correct bulbs since somebody told me it wasn't strong enough to support anemones or corals...yet off of my 2 15w 18" acnitic bulb my rock flower and green mushroom polyp seem to be doing quite well...I just need a basic 3 bulb t5 HO fixture that I can hang above my tank


Active Member
Going online is the best option. If you want to pay full retail, you can get your LFS to quote you on a special order... but you'd be much better off buying it online


Active Member
Yeah, go online, it's way cheaper even including shipping. That is where I got mine, and its not all that expensive depending on what fixture you get. I haven't seen a 3 bulb fixture yet though....mostly 2,4,5,6, and 8 bulb ones. There could be one out there, I just haven't seen it yet.


Search for user currentusa on e b a y they are selling reconditioned units very cheap w/new bulbs. I bought one and couldn't be happier paid $268 for a 8X54 w/lunars, looks and operates like new! New locally the fixture sells for around $550-$600