T5 Lighting Pros/cons


I have a 75gal tank currently with power compacts and i would like to begin to start adding coral and my first upgrade needs to be the lights. I would like to get the best light for my tank at the best price.
Can someone give a quick list of the pros/cons of a 6x54w vs. 4x5w4 T5 fixture?
I am looking at a Sunlight Supplytek light 4x54W($250) vs 6x54W($300) and an ATI sunpower 4x54W ($500+)


Active Member
Six bulbs would be ideal for this size tank for the light spread. The new TEK fixtures are pretty good for the price, but the ATI is much higher quality.


i think im going to do the 6x54w since it is only ~$50 more besides having 2 more bulbs to buy. In terms of "higher quality", do you mean by the output or the fixture quality itself? The output should be the same shouldn't it? Also, what types of bulbs should i start with if i go with the 6x54w?


Active Member
The ATI fixtures uses better ballasts, better reflectors, and better active cooling so even with the same number of bulbs you're gonna get more output from it.
Go with ATI bulbs. The Purple Plus, Blue Plus, and Aquablue Special provide a pretty nice look.


ok, after pricing everything out, i think i'm going to go with the ATI fixture 6x54w and the bulbs you suggested. It seems like the tek fixtures are cheaper but they don't come with any hardware such as tank brackets/hanging hardware/splash shield ect and buying those brings the price up near the ATI.
Anyways thanks for the help.