T5 Lighting

I have a 34g Solana and was wondering if a 20in Nova extreme light fixture would be enough. I believe that it puts out 108w. Any info is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
i am getting the 20 in nova extreme pros. they put out 108 watts i believe that is correct. what do you want to keep? its not alot of light for that size tank but you could probably keep some zoas and some other low light softies in there


Active Member
actually that light works just fine...
my friend grows mostly sps under it in his solana...
remember top half sps, bottom half lps and softies..
no clams on the sand bed!!!


Active Member
But for a few more dollars, you would have no limits. Seems like a no-brainer. Plus you get the halide shimmer for a bonus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
But for a few more dollars, you would have no limits. Seems like a no-brainer. Plus you get the halide shimmer for a bonus.
True... I personally run MHs on my 15 and 20 lol... I'm looking to go T5HO on my 144 FOWLR.
Thanks for all the responses. Just wondering if MH will create too much heat, my tank is cycling right now with no light and the temp is 72f.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I keep my reef between 80-81 fwiw.
me too.. no sense in paying an extra $30+ a month for a chiller clicking on all the time to keep a tank at 78 if all the same animals do just fine at 80-82 (and grow faster to boot!!)
If your tank is at 72F, you should be fine with a MH.. A 150w MH over your tank will be just fine especially a 10inches above the surface.. remember the tank is open top and if you have any issues, just add a fan setup to blow across the surface of the tank.


Active Member
Sorry to hijack a bit here, but is it true that corals grow faster in warmer tanks like ours. I have heard that but wasn't sure of how valid that was.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Sorry to hijack a bit here, but is it true that corals grow faster in warmer tanks like ours. I have heard that but wasn't sure of how valid that was.
yep... higher metabolism.. remember all the stuff in our tanks is "cold blooded."


Active Member
Psh T5s!!! After having them I enjoy the shimmer and colors u can make with them. They look better than MHs and u can have a totally crazy bulb combo for some sick arse colors...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Psh T5s!!! After having them I enjoy the shimmer and colors u can make with them. They look better than MHs and u can have a totally crazy bulb combo for some sick arse colors...
that's definitely true!
But the bulb color combos are only for 24inch and bigger bulbs lol not the 18inchers that go in the 20inch fixtures..