T5 or metal halide


Active Member
i want to upgrade my lighting yet again. i want the best light for sps coral growth. which would you guys suggest?
a MH setup within $250 i need some suggestions
a DIY T5HO 8 bulb w/ individual reflectors
thanks in advance


Active Member
they r both good. its such a personal preference. mh, u hv the shimmering effect plus perhaps deeper reach if u hv a deep tank. where as t5, the light is more uniform and hv no heating issue.


Active Member
is this gonna be inside a canopy? i like t5 better if its only 19-20 inches in depth. make sure to get individual reflectors for them tho.


Active Member
yea, its gonna be in a canopy. i think about 6-8 inches tall. could you give me some help on how to build the canopy. i posted another thread asking how to build a canopy, but nobody answered


Active Member
I have some pics of a canopy I built on my reef tank thread. I don't exactly list plans or instructions, but maybe the pics can start you in the right direction.
Apart from that, visit an LFS or two and check out the canopies on the tank's there. You'll figure out 3 things: A) it ain't that hard to do, B) you can easily build a better one than the crappy commerically made stuff, and C) you'll walk away knowing exactly what to do.


Active Member
my only question is how do you secure the canopy to the tank? if i dont will it slide off? that would be a major dissaster

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
my only question is how do you secure the canopy to the tank? if i dont will it slide off? that would be a major dissaster

I used cleats inside of canopy.Your canopy should actually slide down over the top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
thanks veni.
could anyone give some links to a place where they sell cheap T5 DIY parts

No, it's against the rules. Do a google search for either TEK or Icecap T5 retrofits.