T5 or pc


My wife is buying me new lights for my 75 and I need to know if I can get comparible wattage at same price, which should I pick. Please help I will be ordering on Monday.


I bought the nova extreme lights from the Drs. it is 216 total wattage with the lunar lights and i am pretty happy with it.
with shipping it was 213 not to bad


T5- 216w, 4 54w 12000k daylight bulbs
PC- 260w 2 12000k daylight and 2 65w actinic
Which should I go with, Sort of confused about the output vs heat vs everything else. What would be the best in the longrun ( replacement bulbs, life of bulb, coral preferance of bulb or which would the coral grow best under) in plain english if possible.


The average life of T-5 tubes is 2 years, i have only had it for 2 weeks so it is new.
It has 2 atnics and 2 daylight 54 w each with a fan no real heat problems so far


Active Member
If you can get comparable wattage at the same price T5 unquestionably but that is not likely. T5 lights are more effective than pc lights because its double ended design and size allows more light to be reflected downward where it needs to go (there effectiveness is much more dependent on the reflector design than pc) and more T5s can fit physically in a space than other HO flourescents. personally I am not willing to accept a 54 watt T5 is that much more superior to a 96 watt pc set up, both being flourescents, without any concrete numbers/evidence which I cant seem to find anywhere. I am not willing to give up my 196 watt pc fixture for a 108 watt T5 fixture just yet based on word on the street (which is just that). T5HO are also said to have a unique look subjectively superior to pc.
if you do go T5 just remember the quality of reflector makes or breaks those set ups so dont go cheap/unproven (since you say you can find simular wattage at the same price), likewise if you retrofit.
with 216w vs 260w I'd definately try my luck with the T5 set up


They are the lights at the aquatraders website. If you can check them out and give a suggestion it will be much appreciated.


I would warn against the website you stated...
For one, the products they sell are all China patent rip offs of other products. My understaning is they come with no instructions or warranty - nothing.
The site also states that if the bulbs are broken during shipping they do not replace them, they sell you new ones at a "special price"...