T5 Retro kit for 90gall


What do the dimensions have to be of the canopy for a nice T5 Tek light or Aquatinics?
In the market for a canopy and want to make sure the one I want to buy will work.


well the retro would be 47 inches long..so make sure the inside of the canopy is a little bigger then that atleast
haha not being mean i think just about any canopy you could buy would work.


Thanks for the advice. I just hear many people complaining how they can't fit a certain amount of bulbs or Reflectors. I want put like 6 54watt bulbs would that be good enough for mostly LPS but some SPS up top or no?


Active Member
You want to use retrofit kits if your mounting in a canopy. You need just a tad over 47" for 54 watt lamps with moisture proof endcaps. Reefgeek has Ice Cap retros with standard T5 ballasts that would be the way to go (not the VHO T5 retro with the IC ballast)
You need 2 1/2" of apace front to rear for each lamp/reflkector. The Tek II reflectors need a tad over 3"


Active Member
i have 6 of the t5s mentioned above on my 40 breeder frag tank(3 footers not 4) and they fit perfectly over my tank and i actually keep my sps frags in the middle of the tank to keep the colors better they lighten up if i put them to much higher