t5 retrofits and splashing


New Member
i have t5 retrofits that s-c-r-e-w into the top of the canopy. the canopy isn't very tall, and the bulbs are only 2-3 inches above the water. they didn't come with any kind of splash shield. the end caps are waterproof, but is it ok for the bulbs to keep getting splashed all the time? and at night when the lights are off, the water condenses badly, and everything is soaked.
and my next question is, (i am so retarded) i never noticed the reflectors had that plastic blue film on them. i thought they were just supposed to be blue. so now the plastic is cooked on there and so far i have only been able to peel off tiny pieces around the edges. is there any way to get the plastic off? or is it possible to buy reflectors only?


Active Member
As far as splashing, see if you can rig up a little rail that you could slide a piece of plexiglass on under the bulbs. I don't think the condensation would be a big issue, but once all the salt starts crystalizing over everything it might get old.
Yeah, the blue is a protective layer that should be removed. Replacement reflectors are pretty expensive, so I'd keep scrubbing.