T5 Troubles !! please help


I just got a 48in t5 fixture with a complete set up i just bought used. I bought all the stuff dry in storage but when i got everything the guy i got it from plugged in the light and it worked great as does everything else in the set up. ..... Now when i got it home i plug in the light and flip the main switch rigged up to the white bulbs and the fan and boom there is a flash a popping sound a SPARK or two and my circuit breaker flips. this happens every time and in every outlet in my apartment. the other switch will work if turned on by it self and only controls the other three bulbs on the fixture and thats it. Please help i really want this light to work!!!---thanks


Active Member
Is the flash and popping sound comming from the light fixture or your circuit breaker?
In either case it appears you could have some faulty wiring. My guess is if the light fixture is sparking and popping there is faulting wiring somewhere in your house or apt. If its your circuit breaker then you could be overloading the circuit and need to find an outlet with a dedicated breaker or at least one that isnt over loaded. My first guess though is faulty wiring in your house, somewhere you could have a miswired homerun. Not using enough electricity to effect anything until you plug somthing in that has a large draw. Im not an electrition but just a thought.


Active Member
Problem is with the light. Take it apart and see what you find. If you wanna try to take care of it yourself. Dont keep trying it in avery outlet. Thats probably making matters worse. As well as hazardous.
You may have a bad ballast, but probably wiring somewhere.


Active Member
You are going to have to open it up. Mr. Electricity isn't hard to figure out. Just make sure eveything is unplugged. From what you describe it sounds like a short circuit. I would look at the switch. It's possible its corroded to the point it's shorted. If it sparked you should be able to see the carbon scoring on it. If thats the case REPLACE BOTH SWITCHES!!!
Other than that check the hot wire )Should be black or blue hopefully) running from the switch to the ballast. It's possible the wire has slipped out of a connector or had a piece of insulation torn off at some point and it is now it allowing the electricity to short to ground. The hardest part of this whole operation is going to be figuring out how to open up the fixture.


Active Member
I have that same fixture, it's not hard to open up. Just taske the end with the switches, take out the screws that connect it to the housing, slide out the reflector.It's all right there.