T5 vs. PC?


Whats the difference between T5 and PC and VHO lighting?
If there is one. Which is better?


I personally like VHO better. Thats what I use, I like MH alot better than VHO but with EMT pay thats kind of hard.


I have T5 and I am very happy with the results. Two things to keep in mind that make the T5 better than VHO .
1. You need to over ride them that is run then at a higher rate. I for instance run 80 W T5 at about 100W.
2. The reflectors play a large part in focusing more light towards the bottom of the tank.
I currently have roughly 600W of T5 over a 125 tank with a deep 5" sand bed so that makes the tank much shallower and I have my T5 running in a custom made oak hood about 3 1/2 inches above the tank with no glass or topless as some would say . I started to experiment with easy SPS about 4 months ago and have since purchased more difficult sps corals. So far my results have been excellent with some species that were browned out actually intensifying and gaining beautiful color anlong with exellent growth. Again most of my SPS are placed about 1/3 to 2/3 from the top of the tank but I am amazed at what I have been able to do with T5 so far.
I hope this does not start a MH vs T5 war because I debated a long time before making my purchase for a long timeand I am sure they both have their place in the Hobby. I finally made my decision based on the cooler running bulbs. For those who don't agree with me please take a look at the Tank of the Month on another well known Reef Web site Center before you disregard what you can do with T5.


Not gonna touch this one!
My only response is that whatever works best for you. I've had PC's for a while now and have been very happy. I'm in the middle of an upgrade to MH because I want to expand and take my tank to the next level. I've seen many very nice T5 tanks and many very nice PC tanks, ditto on VHO's. There are arguments on all three that are valid. Sorry for the non - commital reply but I figure you'll get lots of action on all three here.


If you are getting T5 because they are cheaper forget. you can buy a retro 400Watt MH for less 200 dollars, and never worry about your lighting.
this from a online store.
What would you rather have:
Sunlight Tek Light T5 Hood - 24" x 4 bulb
Price: $225.00
PFO 175watt 55K Metal Halide Retro Kit
Price: $165.85

murray bmf

I've had PCs and VHO and prefer VHO, which is currently what I'm using now. I have not had any experience with T5 but am very happy with my 440 watts of VHO. I think it was mentioned already but whatever works best for you. I think in an ideal world we all have Metal Halides, but that just aint reality, so I have VHO....


To think we can't afford mh is totally absurb! The price of these PC or VHO or HO sets are actually more money!


It all depends on how you look at it and every situation is different. Take for example the size or length of the tank can make or break a decision.
For example a 125 G tank would require a minimum of three MH bulbs to run one per every 2 feet of tank. . True the initial cost of MH and say T5 for argument sake is about the same or even less if you stick with standard Mogel MH and chose to go with say 150W or maybe 250 W lamps. But that changes if you start to look at DE HQI bulbs then your cost are greater.
You also need to take a look at running cost and bulb replacement. In the event that you need to replace your bulbs yearly the MH on a conservative $75 (assuming you did not chose the DE HQI) dollars per bulb to say replacing 6 80 W T5 at $28 dollars per bulb would run you and extra $57 dollars in bulb replacement cost a year. Then you can add the cost of dealing with the heat added to an aquarium with MH in the canopy you now need to add Chillers into the equation more cost for initial purchase and running of electricity.
If you decided to go with 250 W bulbs you then run 150 W more than say 600 W of T5 lighting.
All of these things I considered before making my decision. Now don't get me wrong I would love to go with the best MH available in the market today but with a wife and kids cost and practicality played a roll in going a different route .


Do remember that MH bulbs last longer than any off the other types of bulbs. You would have bought 2 to 3 set of bulbs before changing your mh bulbs.
With Heat, VHO and PCs are usually held closer to the water. MH's can be help further away from the water and still get good water penatration.
Maybe be we can dispell the myth of MH's being expensive and heat


druluv & saltaddict,
Can you guys be my light consultants? Here's my deal I set my 125 last year as a reef. I was convinced to buy 2 36" coralife hoods each with a 96 watt 10,000 buld and a 96watt blue light. AT 3 watts per gallon and hearing talk about lighting I am wondering what I should do to upgrade as everyone is telling me to do.
A: add another strip to what I have
B: scrap what I have and buy MH
C: Try to add MH to what I have in some of the smaller fixtures I have seen around.
I really don't know that much about the lights. I am just now starting to add corals to my tank.
Also should I get rid of my glass top and use eggcrate? It gets very dirty and must cut down a lot of light.


Tank is:
6' long
22" High
19" Front to back
Sand bed is 3"nches
Live rock is piled against back wall to nearly water surface
125 Gallons


I beg to differ that MH bulbs last longer than other bulbs You should be changing them out once a year even if you think they are running fine the light spectrum changes over time. I plan on changing my T5 every year although some profess every 18 month but I am overdriveving my bulbs and plan to take a caustios approach.


I'm under the impression that ho bulbs lasts for 6 months. After that they start to change color



Originally posted by goulding.c
Tank is:
6' long
22" High
19" Front to back
Sand bed is 3"nches
Live rock is piled against back wall to nearly water surface
125 Gallons

Being that you already have the two 36" maybe you can add another strip lighting, if you don't want to waste money.


I don't know about VHO I can only speak about Compact and T5 which is all I have ever owned but the guideline I have been given an have used for the last 5 years is once a year. Perhaps VHO is different?


I'm not as concerned about the money as I am the wellfare of my tank. Iam sure if I need to scrap the strip lights I have I can find some use for them or sell them. I am just curious as to what the best set up would be for lighting on the tank. Also are you suppose to run the blue lights and daylights together? Some one was saying no and run the blues at night. But doesn't the tank need a dark cycle? I keep the refugium light on 24/7


I havce the same tank size the ? you need to ask yourself before you purchase is
1. What types of coral do i whish to keep and be honest. You don't want to just say mushrooms when deep in your heart you know you want SPS .
2. What kind of look do I like . Some people like Pendants hanging from their ceilings , Other like entire appliance on top of their tanks while other prefer a closed wood canopy look. I prefer the canopy look my self.
3. What is my Budget for initial cost and for ongoing maintenance.
When you can answer these question then you can start your hunt for what best suits your needs. Not trying to be vague but with out knowing what you want or like its hard to advise a route to take. I found that T5 gave me enough of what I wanted at the cost I wanted to suitr my needs. If all I wanted wre softcoral tanks I probably would have gone the Compact or VHO route.


In money is not a problem
I would go with a 3 MH 10K with 2 or 4 6' actinic vho bulbs. Put the vho first then after a hour put on your MH. It is that simple. You'll have the piece of mind knowing that anytime you are ready for sps you are good to go


Active Member

Originally posted by druluv
If you are getting T5 because they are cheaper forget. you can buy a retro 400Watt MH for less 200 dollars, and never worry about your lighting.
this from a online store.
What would you rather have:
Sunlight Tek Light T5 Hood - 24" x 4 bulb
Price: $225.00
PFO 175watt 55K Metal Halide Retro Kit
Price: $165.85

48" Tek Light: 4-54W T5 HO Fluorescents (Black)
Manufacturer: Sunlight Supply
Dimensions: 47" x 12" x 2.5" (L x W x H)
Price: $249.00
Now which one would you rather have? It would take 2 of the PFO's to cover the same area. You are also getting a complete hood with the T5's while the PFO is a retrofit. You still have to spend a little over 100 bucks for the T5 lamps but the PFO system is a 5500K lamp which will look like crap unless you add actinics to suppliment it.
This will be a dead giveaway for my alter ego on that other board but I too have a 125 and am currently playing with a 3x150 watt 20K DE halide fixture with 168 watts of PC actinics. My other lighting is an Ice Cap 6x80 watt T5 set up about identically to salt addict's from the sound of it. My T5's were putting double the PAR at 18.5 inches under the water as do the halide/PC system. I am going to try 10K halide lamps before deciding if the T5's are going back on or not.
You don't have to overdrive the T5's unless you want SPS and your tank is more than about 20" tall. I've seen some dandy SPS tanks with standard T5's but I think they were all 20" or less or have the SPS corals near the top.