T5 vs T8 ? whats the difference?


just as the name sais, what is the difference between T5's and T8's? how can i tell by just looking at 2 fixtures? anyone ever use T8's on a fish tank? i think i may have a brand new set of t8 lights..are they junk? i have a 6 bulb setup never even been turned on..just curious if its worth using or not? all individual reflectors on them. i figured it would be better then power compacts if i bought the right bulbs..? although they might be T5's i just thought the bulbs looked a tiny bit bigger but that may be cuz its up close to me now.


Active Member
The T-# is the diameter of the bulb in 1/8". So a T5 is 5/8" in diamter and so on.
The smaller size of the T5 makes using individual parabolic reflectors easier and boosts output substantially. There are a lot of T5 manufacturers out there and very few T8, and for that reaon I'd stick with T5.


well i just talked with the place i got them from, they are T8's. i can have 10 T8's with individual reflectors in my canopy. this should kill my power compacts atleast..correct? i can get bulbs through them as they supply me for work for cheap, really any k i want in a bulb they can get..i will just have to buy some bulbs and build a canopy, i have everything else and actually 6 brand new bulbs. the fixture is brand new. i dont have the cash right now to buy a T5 and really im not into SPS so i think this should grow LPS way better for me..am i correct? any more info is very appreciated..and any info on what pattern of bulbs or recommendations of bulbs would be appreciated also.thanks all.


Active Member
You sound like you have already made your mind up on running them.
Thier downfall is in thier intensity. For very light loads a person can do just what your doing. Just keep adding bulbs for more blanket lighting.
The t8 intensity just doesnt hold together through water for penetration in concentrations tight enough to spec for the needs of most corals to feed themselves.
You could string together 50 of those bulbs and while wattage and spectrum might SOUND great, the intensity or lack there of makes it counter productive in a hurry.
All about concentrations and intensity. That is the primary difference that makes everyone flock to one method of light delivery over the other.
If MH wasnt so dang intense, no one would bother running them. Energy hogs, hot as heck, expensive and short lived.....but they work.


well my main concern is, how are they compared to my power compacts? running on individual reflectors and 8 -10 bulbs should be a step up for me..i understand you cant just keep adding its not going to do anything any deeper. my power compacts dont go deep, however i have a wedding coming and another extremely expensive issue that just came up that set me back 2 grand. will this be better then my power compacts is the question?


Active Member
IMO no. the PC will penetrate better than t8.
There are ways of overdriving the bulbs in a t8 configuration and giving them increased intensity but it kills bulb life expectancy.