

I have a question about T5 lighting? I have noticed that most T5 fixtures are low wattage. I have a JBJ formosa PC 135w fixture on my frag tank now. But i thought a T5 might be better. Is the fact that the T5 is full spectrum make up for the wattage. The average 30" T5 fixture I see has 2 24w bulbs. Is
48w of T5 lighting better that my PC with 65w actinic and 65w 10,000K?


Active Member
Not so much the wattage but the intensity. Wattage plays into it since it has much to do with that intensity, but it is not the single determining factor.
Most importantly is how that intensity gets diffused and dispursed through water for our photo friendly tank stock. Different delivery methods are affected differently by for having to force the light through water.
T5 IS better than PC for sure. But reflectors, bulb brand and your own tanks layout all play into what is the best choice.
Personally if given the choice between 130w PC and 48w T5? I would stick to the PCs.
Bumping it to double numbers, or 96w T5 vrs same 130w PC, then hands down I would go with the T5.
I always ramble.. but I put much more personal stock in upkeep and maint than I do about pure HP equivilancy rating for fixture/bulb combinations. Those of you know who you are with the saltcreep out of control. The stained reflectors and swap meet bulbs. Its always easy to blame the method rather than yourself for keeping the reflectors clean and bulbs of good quality and within lifespan over our tanks. So much more to it than just blanketing oranges against apples if the playing fields arent leveled with proper care and routine upkeep of any equipment.
Not accusing or implying you dont already keep a clean ship, but it is just as important as anything else in your system.
Hope that makes sense.


It does make sense, and I under stand about the maintenance and upkeep. your corals are quick to let you know if the water quality isnt up to par.
So if that is the case about the wattage and T5 verses PC. where are people getting these VHO T5's I have searches for them to no avial. I was going to check out Current USA's sunpods.
The main reason for my wanting to switch lighting is to start keeping some more difficult stoney corals.


Active Member
Search for fixtures or retro fit by Ice Cap. I'm guessing this is what you mean about VHO?
I run a 48" 6x54w Tek fixture that I retro'd a IC 660 to the center 4 bulb section. These are 54w bulbs but with the IC ballast I'm getting 311w (according to my "kil-O-Watt" meter) for this 4 bulb section. So that over 75w per bulb! Now this does cut bulb life by a third (only 1 year).
I started keeping quite a few SPS frags that seem to be doing well. Can't really compare to MH b/c I've never had anything different than the T-5's.