
Im going to start a 20 gallon reef tank and was looking for lights the other day. Since im not going to have an auto top off system, im putting on a glass hinged top that stops evaporation. I know that you can run pc lights with the glass top and i know that you cant run halides with the glass top and i was wondering can you run t5s with the glass top.


T-5s can produce some heat, adding computer fans will dissipate the heat. The glass top is going to affect gas exchange unless your tank is drilled.


I have teh t5 nova extreme pro and in the instructions it say to always have a galls top on your tank to protect it from the splashes. Otherwise it voids the warranty
I don't use the glass top LOL


you may have PH problems if you are thinking about sealing off your tank so it cant evaporate as much, the surface of the water needs to get as much fresh air as it can. thats how it gets oxygen into the water. also another reason why people use sumps and powerheads to agitate the water and create more surface area.
If it can't get the required amount of oxygen its likley you will be fighting alkalinity/PH problems for the entirety of the time you own the tank.
Originally Posted by Jstdv8
you may have PH problems if you are thinking about sealing off your tank so it cant evaporate as much, the surface of the water needs to get as much fresh air as it can. thats how it gets oxygen into the water. also another reason why people use sumps and powerheads to agitate the water and create more surface area.
If it can't get the required amount of oxygen its likley you will be fighting alkalinity/PH problems for the entirety of the time you own the tank.
Probably 20% of the top of my aquarium isnt covered. The cover is just to reduce the hassle of topping off just a little.