

Can T8s be used if i have corals, I have a T8 that i was wondering if it would work on a reef tank. i dont want to kill corals so any help would be nice. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by snowrider84
Can T8s be used if i have corals, I have a T8 that i was wondering if it would work on a reef tank. i dont want to kill corals so any help would be nice. Thanks

Based on your specific question I would say no. However, without knowing specifics about your tank size, and specifics about the T8's like amount of watts per bulb and how many bulbs. It may be possible to keep some low light demanding soft corals.


well its a 120g as for the bulbs that it has it has none, i would buy new bulbs, it is a four bulb fiture, is there T8 bulbs that would do more than just soft lowlight corals,


Active Member
Originally Posted by snowrider84
could i put t5 bulbs in it
You could prob utilize the hood but all of the internals are no good if you want t-5's. They run on different ballasts and different end caps. You would also want a HO bulb for T5's and individual reflectors too. The bulb type is important, and when you are talking about T8, T5 etc its only the diameter you are changing the out put is the same. What you need to do is increase the output, and to accomplish that, you need HO-t5's or Metal halide lights. If you put 4 or 6 T8 bulbs over your tank you can keep some soft corals but thats about it. If you were to up the fixture to HO-T5's then you would be able to keep much more. And if you went Metal Halide then you can keep what ever you want.


there are to many different types of T-8 to really answer that question.
shop lights are t-8 and they do come in a wide array of K ratings made for aquariums but dont put off alot of ligt. VHO are also t-8 bulbs but need a special ballast to run them. so it really depends on what ballast you have and what wattage bulbs they push. there are alot of tanks that run VHO on them and look great with mainly LPS and softies in them.
as said by perfectdark the t-5 need a completely different setup than t-8, t-6, or t-12 bulbs.


Well i kind of figured but i had to ask, guess i need to fork up the cash and buy a new set up. Thanks for the help guys