Tail Spot Blenny


Active Member
Im thinking about getting a tail spot blenny because by striped fang blenny just died.

I have a Question though.
Does this fish need a ton of algea like for example a lawn mower blenny, or will it be fine with flake food for herbavores?


Active Member
Mine eats just about anything. You can see him munching on the rocks, grabbing small particles of food at feeding time from the water column, plus I put in a small sheet of algae daily for my African Flameback angel and I see him picking at that form time to time.


My tail spot also eats real well, and he is the life of the party. He always has a nice round belly, my last lawnmower never would eat prepared foods and didn't even do a good job of eating film algae and eventually succumbed to anorexia. IMO, the tail spot is one of my favorite blennies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
I would go get a midas blennie
And what do you people think about adding ocean nutrition formula two pellets to my fishes diet?(that is the viggie one right?)