Tail-Spot wrasse


Active Member
who has a tail spot wrasse? do you keep it in a reef? what are your experiences?
show some pics!

Halichoeres melanurus
a fish of MANY commmon names.
"The Hoeven's Wrasse is also referred to as the Tail Spot Wrasse, the Yellow-lined Wrasse, the Orange-tipped Rainbowfish, the Tailspot Wrasse, and the Pinstriped Wrasse. The body of this fish is blue-green in color and has pink or yellow stripes running horizontally across its sides. The color of the juvenile is more muted."
Hoeven's Wrasse, Tail Spot Wrasse, Yellow-lined Wrasse, Orange-tipped Rainbowfish, Tailspot Wrasse, Pinstriped Wrasse and Dusky Rainbow fish.


a sea k

Awesome fish and good for your reef tank. Unfortunately mine never made it through QT and I have not seen one since locally.

a sea k

Guess I should add they are typical of most of the smaller Halichoeres wrasses. Grow to around 5" and are peaceful and can be kept with others of the same species in a large enough tank. Prey on aquarium pest but can be a threat to small shrimp when fully grown. Mine will sometimes eat my asternia stars.I have a Radiant, Yellow Coris and Biocellatus in my 210. The Radiant is the most aggressive as well as the largest. All of these are very similar in habits and growth as the Melanurus. If you have the opportunity to get one I would'nt pass it up if your system will allow it.


Active Member
cool i was going to get another yellow chrysus and maybe an exquisite. i used to have a yellow chrysus, it was my favorite fish by far.

a sea k

Originally Posted by saltn00b
do you know what happened in QT?

Not really, he just withered away in about 5 days. Beautiful fish and I was really dissappointed to lose him.
I just read this thread on the "other" forum. Got a good laugh when I saw it as it seems we are both going back and forth.
One thing I forgot to add but I suspect you already know is these guys need a sand bed to sleep in at night.