***) It summer time!!! The birds are singing, the weather is warm, and the sun is back.
So what do you all think about taking corals out onto the deck for an afternoon of real sunshine?
That would be really cool to do, but I don't want to move them back and forth from where they are in the DT. will you put yours in a small tank then put it outside.
the old saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it",
If corals are happy, or at least they look happy in the tank. Leave them alone.
you will hate urself really bad when the corals get killed cuz of all the sudden changes.
Yep....keeping the water quality the same would be hard....cause if it rained or something....
I was just curious......
It would probably end up worse....corals aren't use to being taken outside for a "walk".
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
What about taking your favorite coral to work with you in a mason jar tied around your neck......lol :hilarious
Mis well get a little rolling tank and take them for a walk!!!! I bet Valiant would love that!