Taking coral off rock?


New Member
I was wondering if, when one buys say, Kenya Tree & White Star polyps on a rock, can these then be removed from the rocks they are mounded on to be remounted on an existing live rock in the aquarium:notsure:


Active Member
From what I know (green stars) the stars can be gently peeled with the mat off their rock, then that mat can be super glued (gel type) to another rock. I have never tried, so I am not sure if a large section is do-able. No experience with a kenya. If no one else chimes in, can you break the rock between the two? Just a thought.


Active Member
The kenya can be cut at the base and wedged, glued or rubberbanded to a new rock, If conditions are good, should grow to rock in a few days. Stump from old rock may resprout too.


If the colony of polyps is too big to cut off all at once, you can take it in a few pieces. Or, you can just put the rock they're on next to where you want them to be, and they'll spread.