Taking Dominance?


okay,....about 5 days ago i bought 2 false percula,...ive noticed that they one with the more vivid color and kind of bigger built body keeps nippin the other,...i was wondering if this is normal/or if they are determining whose going to be the dominent one (female)


Ya, about a month from now it'll calm down...Let it pass it the large one doesn't stop and keeps going 24/7 for a few days i;d separate them.


Different tanks, 1 QT one display, Give it time, It's better just to watch them she'll always go for him every day just make sure he does seem like he's lathargic or dieing slowly...I'd give it time, you should wait a month or 2...'
The smaller one may be attacked during the day but left alone at night
It takes a few weeks to a few months....


My maroon female clown nipped at my male for about the first 3 days they were in my tank, but now they are both living happily in a toadstool leather coral. I would keep a close eye on them for the next few days to make sure that the "nipping" is just occasional and like others said if it continues you need to seperate them.


kk i think i hav a sort of infection on ma false perc.,.....right part there first white stripe there is like a bubble type of thing it is white,....im guessing it is a type of bacterial infection but i cant find any pics to comfirm it,...does ne1 of ne? or know where to find one i dont hav a digi