taking out crush coral


New Member
Hi I had a 10 gallon tank for 3years everything is fine i have a percula clown and a purple fish (the name escapes me), but its about the size of the clown and has a long body. I also have a hammer head, polyps, mushroom, frogspawn , pulsating Xenia and a orange branch with red spots. My live rock has turned about 70% purple and i need to know is it safe to take out all the crush coral out and replace it with live sand or is it not worth the trouble? I just don't want to kill everything i have in my tank as i finally got it just right, that i have some green plant growing out of my life rock they looks like little palm tree leaves.
Personally, If your tank is "just the way you want it" Why change OR chance it? Whats the reason for changing the CC?
After 3 years, you may have another cycle if you take out the CC for LS and kill everything. IN this case, I'd leave well enough alone, Just MO.



IMO the sand looks a lot better but it will be a tricky operation to switch. Because the tank is so small when you start moving the substrate around you may crash it.
If you like the look of the sand, try slowly adding LS with a funnel ontop of the CC... Do it slowly as not to get a mini cycle. That may work. BUT DO NOT REMOVE the CC.. That IMHO would be a mistake..
I have added MORE LS to a tank once and had NO problems...


There are several threads on hear about CC in a reef tank causing problems, especially high nitrates. It has been suggested to me to remove the CC completely and go with a glass bottom until everything stabilizes.


New Member
thanks for the info guys I guess it is very complicated and not very safe to move the crush coral. I guess i will leave it there and not take any chances.:thinking:


Buy another 10 gallon tank.
Drain water out of your existing tank and save.
place sand in new tank, add the water and move your existing filtration over to the new. You now have a spare tank if anything goes wrong.
Just remove the old crushed coral, drain tank and keep the fish and stuff in the bucket or tub that you use. Remove the old crushed coral and replace with sand. Its not that hard. Just keep filtration wet. Have some water changes ready in case you have some spikes.
Oh and if you are using a glass heater watch out, don't let it hit the cool air if it is still running. Alow it to cool first.
Thomas, I think you've got it!! LOL :notsure:
True, If its only 10 gallons, that would be easy. I read it but it didnt register. Just watch for any spikes and water changes should take care of that.
Also, HOw much CC do you have in there? HOw many inches?? Are you going for a deep sand bed? I would buy as MUCH LS as you can afford too. or add a bag a week or something to help alliviate any spikes.
Are you going to sell your CC, because you should put it in the local want advertiser. Someone just starting out may want to buy nutrient rich substrate so you could defray the cost of your sand. So plan ahead.... some newbies are in such a hurry, they would jump at the chance to have mature CC because it will shorten thier cycle time. Make sure you put that in your ad..
When I was taking down on of my tanks I sold the whole DSB of LS for a pretty penny. and the guy was MORE THAN HAPPY TO PAY FOR IT TOO!!!
Good Luck, Kim