Taking over my tank


Active Member
The first picture is a dark purplish red velvet that is growing all over the rocks in my tank. It started out as a small spot on one rock but within a few months it is going insane. Its covering up my coraline algae

The second picture is a red hard plastic type of something that is slooooow growing. It is nowhere else in my tank.



Well-Known Member

The stuff in the second picture looks cool. I hope it isn’t nuisance algae.
I have red coralline it looks like velvet, it is not cyanobacteria, it will not scrape off. It does out do the purple coralline. The red is at first orange then changes to red. I only see orange when I first scrape the red off, or under the moonlights it glows.
So I have green, tiny bit of yellow (yellow turns green), red, orange (turns red), purple and pink (turns purple) coraline algae. Here is a picture of the red, purple, pink and green.
I think that is what is happening in your tank.


Active Member
I do have some of the dark red patches of coraline algae that is smooth to the touch and does not come off
This stuff on the other hand is fuzzy like a tennis ball and it creeps across the rocks as seen in the photo. It can be pulled off the rock with finger tips.

scopus tang

Active Member
First picture could be whats known as red turf algae - check with Henry (Spanko), he sent me email on it awhile back. Supposedly very invasive.
Second picture looks like a red algae, and should be noninvasive, but I would keep an eye on it.