Tang Aggression


Active Member
I've got a Kole Tang, Ctenochaetus Strigosus, and a Yellow Tang, Zebrasoma Flavescens, presently, and they seem to fight with their caudal peduncles, but all is fine currently. I wanted to get a Purple Tang, Zebrasoma Xanthurum, but I wasn't sure if their similar coloring would cause any fighting. If anyone could help me it would be appreciated. <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" />


I have a 75 reef with two tangs, a yellow and a hippo. I know this is pushing the limits for these fish. They seem to get along fine (after the initial intro.) The best thing to remember is tangs with the same overall body shape will rarely be compatible in the same tank, ie. yellow and purple. HTH. Good luck!