Tang and tank size question


I am looking to get a Powder Blue tang, but I have read in some places that you must have a 100+ gallon tank in order to keep them. Is this true? If so, what other tangs would go well in our tank?
We have a 72g bowfront
100lbs LR
6" DSB
2 scooter blennys
2 camel back shrimp
25+ blue leg hermits
30+ assorted snails
tank has been established for about 4 months

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
tangs like room to swim, mainly horizontally. All tangs i know are said to be in tanks no smaller than 75 gallons. But im going to buy a small Blue Pacific and put him in my 58 gallon. Ill take him out when he gets too big. You could get a Blue, Purple, Yellow for sure, but im not sure about the others. I think the recommended size is around 100 for others, but you could probably get by with a small one in your tank.


New Member
Something i can never understand why would you buy a fish full knowing that you havent the room for it to grow, I read it everyday on this board. Personally I would never want to buy a fish and have to take it back later because its getting to big?!?! Tangs need the space.... sure they can survive and can be in perfect health in small tanks but they love to swim I advise to have a larger tank for them, theres nothing better than watching a tang graze and swim in a large tank rather than watch it do laps frantically in a small tank and wanting more space..

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
I just like to look at tangs. When it gets too big ill find a new home for it. I dont think a small tang needs to have a huge tank, but thats just me.
What is your tank 4 ft??, So a 120 is 5 ft i dont think 1 ft is that big of a difference.
Bab its your choice, your money- do whatever you want. There are lots of ppl that have tangs in a little bit smaller tanks that are perfectly happy.