tang & angle police?


Ok I am thinking about upgrading my 90 reef to a 240 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
How many tangs and dwarf angles can I keep in there.
It will have 200- 300 lbs of LR skimmer.
I know it may very from fish to fish and tank to tank
But some feed back would be nice.


Active Member
i guess it depends on how big they are, plus you want to make sure there is sufficient algae for them to eat. i didnt think that you could keep multiple dwarf angels without fighting?

gold strip

Angels - I've got a Flame and a Coral Beauty living peacefully in my 180 but the first few weeks were shakey.
Tangs - I have a Blue Hippo, A Yellow and a Kole in there with no problems. Been up and running over a year now.


Active Member
IMO, in a 240g you could keep maybe up to 10 tangs in it as long as you stick to the smaller species and not all Nasos or Sohals or the meaner ones like a Clown or Powders.
As far as Centropyges, I would say 3 or 4 with that much rock they can easily avoid each other when needed.