Tang Death!!!


What I think really happened... I came home from school today and my 3 week old Yellow Tang was lying on the bottem of the tank... I think the Tang and eigther my dottyback or damsel got in a fight or something... a week earlier I did notice some scratch marks on him and noticed that his top fin was frade or not full, however you put it, but he was swimming fine and ate a ton of my algea.
aka koolkev


Active Member
The tang died because of stress and being in a 30 gallon tank. Minimum size for a Yellow is 75 in my opinion.


Active Member
although clarki is right about the size of the tank i imagine your right about how it died, in anycase you really should have a bigger tank for tangs, they need lots of room to roam. sorry for your loss though. good luck, todd


Active Member
Couple of things - how old is the tank? How much rock do you have?
IMO, very small yellow tangs can go in a 30g for a short period, but I would not put them in a tank with other fish - especially not damsels or dottybacks! Both of those fish are extremely territorial and will take over much of the tank, most likely taking out their aggression on the tang who would cruise around.
I most certainly discourage the purchase of another tang of any sort! It will not do well long term at all.


With those two fish... what other fish could I get... Could I get clownfish with them... Could I even get some mushrooms, corals, etc???
aka koolkev


Active Member
I agree a tang is to small for a 30. Also you could do other territorial "small" fish. You will just have to google search and see what kinds you like.


Active Member
The question of corals depends entirely on your water quality and lighting...not on the fish. So that requires research apart from what fish could go in. You need to read up to see if you want to put the time in for corals.
As far as other fish, I don't think it is fair to say that you could definitely get away with certain fish. Some damsels and dotty backs are extremely difficult and can just cause all sorts of trouble. Clowns are a possibility, but they are similar to damsels, and can either be picked to bits or do the picking.
One thing that should be settled first - do you have a 30g tank (which is generally a 36" tank) or a 29g which I believe is like a 24" tank. That is a little difference in volume, but a huge difference relative to the issue we are talking about.