tang eating


New Member
I just purchased an yellow tang and he seems like he does not want to eat the seeweed.He eats the frozen foods like brine shrimp.He hides all the time.What can I feed him?Also how long should I leave the seaweed in the tank?How often should I feed him? Thanks in advance.


Never leave seaweed in the tank overnight. My Y. Tang doesn't like seaweed either. I blanch( term used for a dip quickly in boiling water) romaine lettuce, soak it in vita chem vitamins and stick it on a veggie clip. He eats it all before the day's out, and I feed this about every third day on his feeding cycle. Good luck, Tangs are cool fish!


My Tang is strange. He will eat anything my trigger fish eats

Luckily my Trigger fish is an absolute pig.
I stick some dried seaweed on a clip and throw it in there, and my trigger fish starts making a mess of it

As soon as my Yellow Tang sees this, he runs over to get in on the action...
If I put it in in the morning, by the nightime it's gone :)
I was putting brocolli in for a while, but it didn't seem like anyone was too interested... Then again, I have VERY limited experience with marine fishkeeping :) GOOD LUCK!!!


What kind of seaweed are you feeding him/her? I would stay clear of feeding it romain lettuce. I know Fishgirl will have something to say about that though. Romain is not a natural food source. Tangs require a fair amount of greens in their diet. Keep trying different kinds and brands of seaweed untill you find some your fish likes. You should find at least two kinds he will eat so you can offer a variety diet. You can also buy some macro algeas to grow in your tank that tangs love to munch on. Julian Sprung Sea Veggies are a good food and come in 3 or 4 types ( green, red, and purple). Ocean Nutrition makes a green algea sheet that you can probably find at any LFS.