Tang feeding


We have a yellow tang, we call her "trixy". We have been feeding trixy green, brown, and red alge attached to a rock with a rubberband. She loves the stuff. But this is a pain. Any suggestions on dried food? I have heard that aquadine is good.


aquadine is not so good never had any luck w/it. have you tried frozen brine. mine love it.i get it enriched w/spirulina. very good and they all love it

sinner's girl

please feed it at least some green algea, you can let it float on the top of the water, or use a clip. my tang died...stopped eatting (or the clown didn't let it eat the brine)...and it was particly due to not having any green in his diet-we ran out, didn't think it was important...i'm not saying yours will die, but tangs like green, so give her green. you can even tear it up (like flakes) and feed it or something.
my tang also ate brine shrimp and flakes.


Active Member
An algae clip is what you need - Dried seaweed and a $5.00 algae clip that sticks to the glass. My tangs love the stuff and I barely have to put my hands in the tank.
Nice and EASY.


Active Member
Oh, yeah - feed your tang Formula One Flake Food. This is the presonal preference of all my fish, in fact they won't eat the frozen food until they are starving - they wait until it's flake fedding day.


most tangs are susepptable to lateral line disease where a good varied diet is important to prevent this. tangs need a lot of greens in their diet and cannot live on brine shrimp alone. i have a kole tang he eats the brine but he also eats dried nori, wardly alge disc (spirulina alge), and omega one flakes (kelp). the foods get switched every day. my lawnmower loves them also.
there is also seaweed selects it is a vitamin enhanced seaweed.