tang fighting himself


Yesterday I scraped the green algae off the back wall of the aquarium. Now the fish can see their reflections. Most of the fish were bothered or curious for just an hour or so, but the Scopas Tang has been stressed out for a full day now.
He is breathing heavy and seems to be "fighting" his reflection. He did feed this morning, but he looks stressed and pissed. Is there anything I should do, or just let him get it out of his system over time?


They do this a lot. Nothing to worry about. He'll figure out that he is just no match for that "other" tang he keeps seeing. It takes them a while but they come to the conclusion that their adversary seems to know every move he tries to make!


I would paint the back a dark color or stick a background on there. If you don't want it on there permanently you can stick a background on there and slowly peel parts off, that way the tang just slowly gets used to it.


Active Member
My powder blue tang used to do this all the time. It is very normal. I used to tell my wife he was doing his Robert DeNiro impression in Raging Bull "You talkin to me??? No You talking to meee???!?!?"