Tang Fishing


I have two tangs that need hypo. QT is ready to go. How the heck do you catch two tangs in a 130 gal reef 8 tons of rock in it. Tried for an hour last night. Any tips on catching them. My little brother is aspiring to be a pro fisherman and he has ideas. I would love to avoid his help, though.


I had the same problem...
I have a 55gl and was fish sitting a tang for a friend while his 120 was cycling. I had the luxury of having no other fish in the tank (other than the 1 yellow tang), but my tank is *full* of newborn peppermint shrimp so moving the rockwork was not an option.
I went to a local bait & tackle shop and purchased a "minnow trap"(your little brother can help you find one
) . it was along the same idea of the 2 liter bottle trap you can make for smaller fish.. it is about 16" long and is made of either fine clear fish mesh or aluminum wire mesh (I avoided the metal ones for fear of accidental copper). The trap has one backwards opening that lets the fish in but not out. Dropped it in, added a block of frozen brine shrimp to entice the fish in... and 30 minutes later the tang was trapped.


Active Member
i had your same problem, but i was able to catch my yellow tang at night when he was sleeping......


In case anyone was following along, I yanked ALL of the rock and trapped the fish. STRESSED everything. But, I sure hope hypo will cure the ich.


Active Member
Also if you try luring them with a piece of shrimp on a string and as they go for it you net them thats how I got my tomato clown out.