Tang Ill, Diagnosis?

Hello, I have two yellow tangs in my tank, a few days ago I noticed that one had small red splotches near his tail fin. I assumed it was a fight wound as they tend to tangle occationally. However, in the last two days the splotches have grown in size and seem to be spreading. The other tang is unaffected, and the other fish are all fine as well. Water quality is excellent and all chems are in balance. Any ideas?


You should post this over in the disease and treatment forum and let Terry or Beth help you. I had a yellow tang that got the crap beat out of him shortly after I added him to an established tank. I moved him to an HT and was treating him with medication (macaryn ??). It was helping before other things happened that caused the HT tank to crash (my inexperience mostly).
Post this in the other forum and you will get more experienced help.