Tang in my 55?



Hi! I was just wondering if it is ok to put a tang in my 55 gallon tank. I don't know how much space they need. Right now all I have is a clownfish and 3 damsels. A tang would be my last addition to the tank. I was thinking about a regal blue tang. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


New Member
I think a tang would be fine but do some research on which one to buy. They can be very suceptable to marine ich and lateral line disease, depending on the species.


Most people will tell you not to do it but I say go ahead. The regal will get quite large and outgrow your tank but as long as you keep good water quality and keep up on tank maintence you should be fine. Do some research and search around. Tangs are prone to disease but it can be done. Good Luck!


Active Member
I have to ask - how many fish to you have now? What are your water conditions? How long has the tank been up? What is your reason for adding the tang? A sailfin or hippo would be ok.


Bonjour! Tu es francais?
Well, I also have a 55 and have a yellow tang in there. He has been there for quite some time now. Of course, I got ick problems but that's a given with a tang. You just know it before you even add it to your tank :D It's a very nice addition to a 55 gallon, especially because of the yellow color (in my case). I know that people recommend larger tanks though. In my case, it has just worked fine! ;)
If you get em small "really small" and either make plans to get a larger tank or be able to trade it back to Fish store it will be okay My Naso is quickly outgrowing my 46gal but that was my excuse to my wife for new bigger tank !!!
Goodluck :D


Thank you all for your input. It's one thing to read in a book about what to do, but it's a lot better to get personal input from fellow aquarium owners such as yourselves. I'll consider all of the posted messages and keep you all posted on how it all goes. I appreciate your input.