Tang Is Eating My Shrimp!


New Member
This weekend I put in a cleaner shrimp. Within about 30 minutes my yellow tang bit him in half! Then he and my purple tang shared the remains. This morning one of my fire shrimp was laying on the bottom with part of him missing, then same as before the two tangs finished him off. Thought these tangs were plant eaters! The fire shrimp had been in there a couple of weeks. Why did they all of a sudden develop a taste for shrimp?

big boy69

I just put in a cleaner shrimp in this weekend also.
My Scoipas Tang came right up aside of him and was waiting to be cleaned. But the shrimp was too busy cleaning part of the glass.


that is crazy! my cleaner shrimp loves my yellow tang, and the tang always goes up to him and gets clean.


i guess you know not to put shrimp in with these tangs of yours..some tangs wil eat shrimp. i had one that i kept getting pissed off cause the shrimp kept disappearing and i had no idea why until i saw the little sob take the next one out