tang pale


My hippo dose not have ic.. but it is really pale! its been acting weird for the past few days.. i thought it had ich first.. but now i m sure it isnt... wonder whats wrong with it


Staff member
When did you get this fish? What are your water readings? More info is needed. Can you post a picture?


everything is normal other then the nitrate is at 40.. it was higher but i keep doing water changes and keeping it lower then 40...
i got it over a month ago been good healthy and all.... i will get pics and post them up tommorow


Active Member
When you say "good", what do you mean? Where do your water parameters sit other than your nitrates?
What are you feeding this fish?
What size is your tank?
What is in the tank with him?


ph 8.0
nitrites 0
nitrates 40
i have a 55
2 clows
1 firefish
1 keyhole angle
1hippo tang 2in
1 cleaner shrimp
1 conch
3 nas snails
6 turbos
i feed some times flakes some times the little pellets and i put in the algea sheet but the angles picks on it more i havent really seen the tang approach it.


Originally Posted by dapak83
ph 8.0
nitrites 0
nitrates 40
i have a 55
2 clows
1 firefish
1 keyhole angle
1hippo tang 2in
1 cleaner shrimp
1 conch
3 nas snails
6 turbos
i feed some times flakes some times the little pellets and i put in the algea sheet but the angles picks on it more i havent really seen the tang approach it.
A hippo tang in a 55, even when 2", is a lot like a race horse kept in a small stall. He has no room to swim. These are open water fish. You have a pair of clowns which are probably defending a territory, an angel and a firefsh. I am sorry, but that hippo will not live comfortably in that tank. Please return him. He is already showing the effects of an unsuitible environment. You are at max with the clowns, firefish and the angel, maybe one more small fish. How much LR do you have? How old is it? The diet should consist of frozen formula foods, for the rest of your fish as well. That hippo is suffering, please take him back.


Its in real bad condition... i did a 20% water change brought the nitrate back down... the tang is in real bad condition... is just laying upside down and wont move... every other fish in tank is in good condition... how can i rescuse him?....i will take him to a lfs soon as he gets better and starts moving!


Originally Posted by dapak83
Its in real bad condition... i did a 20% water change brought the nitrate back down... the tang is in real bad condition... is just laying upside down and wont move... every other fish in tank is in good condition... how can i rescuse him?....i will take him to a lfs soon as he gets better and starts moving!
Hippo's do play dead when they are stressed, but not as you describe. Did you mix this water well before you did the change? Have you tested all parameters?


i had to do a emergency change the first 10% i let mix for 20 mins the next 10 i wated about 24 hrs..
the Hippo is dead!!!



i dont understand... why was the hippo the only fish affected by everything... al the other fishes are are normall!