Tang parasite?


I don;t know what just happened... I bought a nice looking Naso Tang on Tuesday, and I added it to my reef tank that is 3 years old. I have never had any diseases in the tank (knock knock), but I noticed on Friday that my new tang had a nasty looking welt on his side. It was scary looking... The tang was 6 inches, and the welt was about a half inch in diameter, and had little bumps around it. At first I thought that it may be a sting from my anemnone or perhaps a bite from my sailfin tang. But I never saw any fish bothering the naso. This morning, he was swimming around fine and eating, but when I got home, he was crab food... The welt looked almost like a dime sized gunshot wound. It did not look like an external critter. It looked internal, but I have not seen any photos on this site that look like the wound/parasite. Any ideas???
I have noticed that a few other people on this board with tangs have had similar problems, but no one was able to pinpoint the problem...:confused:


Staff member
Sounds like aggression to me, likely the other tang.
A healthy tank goes in to a tank then comes up with an unexplanable wound.....spells aggression.
Can you put this fish into a QT?